Looking Above Episode 46 - Emotional Rest

Episode 46 March 22, 2023 00:39:17
Looking Above Episode 46 - Emotional Rest
Looking Above
Looking Above Episode 46 - Emotional Rest

Mar 22 2023 | 00:39:17


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

This season we're talking about rest. In this episode,  Karen and Lindsey sit down to discuss emotional rest.  They discuss the dangers of hiding and inauthenticity and the necessity for authentic expression of emotions.  Learn how empathy can both be a blessing and a curse when it somes to emotional rest. It would be highly valuable to sit down and talk with a friend or small group about these questions:


  1. Have you ever thought about how social media affects your emotions? Consider it now.  What do you think the effect is?
  2. Discuss empathy.  Are you someone who is highly empathetic? How do the emotions of others affect you? Are you able to recognize when you are absorbing someone else's emotions and making them your own?
  3. Respond to this quote: "Research show that introverts are more likely to be affected by others' positive emotions whereas extroverts tend to be more affected by others' negative emotional expressions.  Women tend to be vulnerable to absorbing the stress and negativity of those around them." (p.62-63 Sacred Rest by Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, MD)
  4. Can you give an example of a time you entered into the emotions of a friend or loved one (either positive or negative emotions) similar to Karen and the older gentleman? How is this Scriptural? What was the outcome for you?  What was the outcome for them? 
  5. Do you have a group of friends with whom you can be emotionally authentic? What does this look like?
  6. Do you regularly feel like you are managing your emotions?  Where do we cross the line from managing our emotions (so we have appropriate responses in different situations) to hiding and being inauthentic with our emotions? Relate your own hiding to how Adam and Eve hid.
  7. Read Exodus 14:14.  Discuss the gift of cessation.  How does ceasing bless us in relation to our emotions?
  8. Read Matthew 11:28-30 and Philippians 4:6-7. Discuss the gift of exchange.  What is God promising in these verses? Why do we not take Him up on this offer more regularly?
  9. Try journaling this week.  Spend a few minutes at the end of each day and be authentic with God as you share your emotions with him.  Ask Him to exchange your negative emotions for rest and peace.

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