Episode 57 - Longing & Beauty

Episode 57 October 25, 2023 00:44:47
Episode 57 - Longing & Beauty
Looking Above
Episode 57 - Longing & Beauty

Oct 25 2023 | 00:44:47


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

We all live with longings that come from deep inside of us.  When we rip back all the layers, we may be surprised to find that at the core of these longings is a desire for beauty - and for God.  Join Karen and Brooklyn as they unpack the longings that lead us to God and beauty even in the mundane, the wilderness, and the storm.  

We encourage you to listen in and then chat about this podcast with a friend or small group.  Here are some questions for discussion:

  1. Have you ever woken up and thought, "There has to be more to life"?
  2. Talk about boredom and escapism.  Why are we bored? What is boring us? What are we using to escape? What are we escaping?  What are we hoping to find?
  3. "Our heart is restless until it rests in you" - St Augustine.  What does your restless heart chase after? What pursuits do you fill your life with?
  4. All our longings point to Jesus and to beauty. How have you encountered beauty in your life? Where are you most apt to notice beauty? How does beauty drive us to God?
  5. Read Ephesians 2:10. You were created with a purpose and a calling. What good things did He plan for you? What is keeping you from doing that?
  6. You were made to create beauty, life, and light. Assess this past week.  How did you bring beauty into the world?  How did you fail - when did you have an opportunity to create beauty, but instead fixated on darkness or brokenness?
  7. Have you ever gone through a season of wilderness/ silence/ loss? How did you experience God there?
  8. Make a plan to experience beauty this week.  Where will you go, what will you do?

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