Looking Above Episode 47 - Creative Rest

Episode 47 March 29, 2023 00:58:24
Looking Above Episode 47 - Creative Rest
Looking Above
Looking Above Episode 47 - Creative Rest

Mar 29 2023 | 00:58:24


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

This season we're talking about rest. In this episode,  Karen and Brooklyn discuss creative rest.  Creative rest is not doing arts and crafts, it actually involves appreciating God's handiwork. If the weather is nice, you should sit outside or take a walk while you listen to this episode. After listening, it would be highly valuable to sit down and talk with a friend or small group about these questions:


  1. Are you more of a mountains or ocean person?
  2. Think about the most beautiful or breathtaking thing you've ever seen in creation.  Describe it to the group.  What were your emotions when you first saw that thing/place?
  3. Do you think you have lost appreciation for the simple beauty of creation as you have gotten older?  What is still able to captivate you?
  4. What about your life is the most creatively draining? (When do you have to think outside the box, trouble shoot, or be creative?)
  5. Respond to the idea that wasted time is not a waste.
  6. Do you ever feel like the darkness and sin in the world are overwhelming?  How do you cope with that?
  7. Read Psalm 19:1-4. How does creation point you to God?
  8. Respond to this quote from Sacred Rest, "His presence is how He connects us to His rest.  It is part invitation and part prescription." (Dalton-Smith, 99)
  9. Do one of these options this week: a. Set aside an extended time for creative rest.  Make a plan and do it;  b. Practice the flow-break rhythm.  Set a timer and take a break every ninety minutes to two hours.

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