Looking Above - Episode 5: John 9&10

Episode 5 November 03, 2021 00:22:34
Looking Above - Episode 5: John 9&10
Looking Above
Looking Above - Episode 5: John 9&10

Nov 03 2021 | 00:22:34


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

Looking Above - Episode 5

This week we’re taking a look at two compelling sections of Scripture, found in John chapters 9 and 10.  In the first, Jesus heals a blind man and the encounter totally changes the man’s life and how he worships.  In chapter 10, we look at Jesus as the good shepherd and his relationship to us as such. 

Discuss these chapters with a friend or your small group:

  1. What has God called you to do? (If you can’t think of specific tasks he has called you to personally, you can discuss general things that He calls all believers to.) Are you procrastinating doing those things you’re called to do?  Are you distracted?  What distracts you?  What will you do differently this week to maintain your focus?  What distractions can you eliminate?
  2. The more we know Jesus, the greater He becomes.  Who is Jesus to you? Discuss the progression the ex-blind man goes through in his belief in Jesus.  Can you look back and see milestones in your life where your perspective on who Jesus is shifted?
  3. The Pharisees intimidated the ex-blind man’s parents. Around whom do you hide your faith?  Who intimidates you into not speaking of Jesus? How might you work towards overcoming that intimidation?
  4. Talk about worship. How does our worship reflect our beliefs about Jesus? How has your worship changed through the years? Is your worship wholehearted?  IF not, why not?
  5. Jesus’ sheep recognize His voice. Would you say you recognize His voice?  Can you distinguish the voice of the enemy?
  6. What lies does Satan use to attempt to lure you from the safety of the sheepfold? Discuss how every lie we believe results in death.  Can you give specific examples?
  7. How have you experienced the rich and satisfying (abundant) life promised by Jesus? / What is your reaction to the Shepherd giving His life on your behalf?
  8. How might you better follow the Shepherd this week?


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