Looking Above ep. 29 - Ephesians 4:17-32 / Confession

Episode 29 October 19, 2022 00:37:15
Looking Above ep. 29 - Ephesians 4:17-32 / Confession
Looking Above
Looking Above ep. 29 - Ephesians 4:17-32 / Confession

Oct 19 2022 | 00:37:15


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn discuss the second half of Ephesians 4 and talk about the discipline of confession.  They belong to a confessional community and talk about how confession helps us individually and corporately.

Questions for Group Discussion:

Last week you were encouraged to SOAP this week.  Take a few minutes and share something that you discovered during your Bible study.

  1. Tell a story of a time when you felt deep sadness.
  2. Vs. 30 says that how we live can cause the Holy Spirit to suffer deep emotional pain.  How do you feel about that?
  3. When we sin, we "wander far from the life God gives" (vs.18). Why does it matter?
  4. Why don't we just continue wearing our "dirty clothes" (sinful nature)?
  5. We are told to "level up" and allow the Spirit raise our thoughts and attitudes to higher levels.(vs. 23) What does that look like?
  6. Take some time to work thru verses 25-32.  What dirty clothes are we to take off?  What new nature are we to put on? Why does each matter?
  7. Have you ever practiced the discipline of confession?  If so, what did that look like?  If not, why not?
  8. What about confession sounds scary or intimidating to you?  What about confession sounds good or enticing?
  9. How might this group practice the discipline of confession?
  10. Each person tell the group one way you struggled this past week (could be a temptation/sin, could be an emotional struggle).  The rest of the group should respond by saying "We will not leave the room" (meaning "we are with you and your struggle won't scare us away.")
  11. End by pairing up (get with a partner) and pray for each other.

The Takeaway: Confession is for our own good, so our hearts don't become callous to our sin.

Action Step: Daily confession. Begin by asking the Holy Spirit to reveal sin in your life.  Start the practice of confessing your sins to God and if so prompted, with a trusted friend.

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