In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn chat about the discipline of study and how it is an important discipline if we want to strengthen our faith. They will give you some ideas for how to begin to study Scripture (this passage) on your own. Be sure to bring paper Bibles, notebooks, highlighters, pens, and your phone (to access when you meet with your group this week.
Group activity:
This week you will work together to study Ephesians 4:1-16. Break into pairs (two people) and assign each pair a small section of the passage to study. Use the first portion of your time to do the things that Karen described on the podcast. Together with your partner: Highlight words that stand out. Ask questions about what phrases mean or why they're important. Look up a commentary on and read about the verse. Possibly look up a word in the original Greek. Make notes.
Use the next portion of your time together to share what you learned during your study. Feel free to share what parts of the study process were easy/ difficult/ intriguing/ confusing to you.
Finish by discussing: Why is this important? | How can we apply what we learned? |
The Takeaway: Baby birds grow up. You need to too. Take the next step in growing in Bible study.
Action Step: Spend time in daily study this week. Practice the SOAP method. (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer)
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