Looking above episode 24

Episode 24 September 14, 2022 00:38:55
Looking above episode 24
Looking Above
Looking above episode 24

Sep 14 2022 | 00:38:55


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

Looking Above ep 24 - Ephesians 1:15-23/ Prayer

In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn chat about prayer and look at the prayer Paul prayed for the Ephesian church.  This prayer was quite different than the prayers that most of us pray for our friends and might change our view of what is most important to pray for.

Questions to discuss with your group:

  1. How do you feel about praying out loud?  Why do you feel that way?
  2. Read Acts 2:42. What do you do with what you hear preached on a Sunday morning?
  3. Do you have a desire to know more about God?  Do your actions show evidence of that desire?
  4. Why is it important to have an accurate, true, and thorough understanding of God?
  5. Is God your first line of defense or your backup plan when you run into difficulty? Why do you think that is?
  6. What is a bold prayer you're afraid to pray? How would a better understanding of God's power change your willingness to pray that prayer?
  7. Talk as a group about any prayer fails you've experienced (saying the wrong words, "Burning Ring of Fire" coming on as you pray, etc.). Then take time to commit to each other that this group is a safe place to practice prayer.
  8. Share any stories you have of answered prayer.  How does hearing those stories make you feel about prayer?
  9. What does it mean to pray expectantly?

Pray. Go around the circle and each of you pray for the person on your right.  Pray for any prayer requests she may have mentioned as well as 

The Takeaway: Prayer can change your friends' lives

Action Step: Exchange names and pray intentionally for that one person every day this week using this passage as your guide.

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