Looking Above ep. 26 - Ephesians 2:11-22 / Fellowship

Episode 26 September 28, 2022 00:32:34
Looking Above ep. 26 - Ephesians 2:11-22 / Fellowship
Looking Above
Looking Above ep. 26 - Ephesians 2:11-22 / Fellowship

Sep 28 2022 | 00:32:34


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn chat about covenants, unity, and how fellowship is a discipline.

Questions to discuss with your group:

  1. What does it feel like to be far away from Christ?
  2. We live under the new covenant.  Because of Christ's sacrifice (vs. 13) we have been brought near.  What does this mean for us?
  3. Does fellowship come naturally to you, or do you need to discipline yourself to do it?
  4. The Greek word translated "peace" in this passage has to do with wholeness, and being bound together.  How can Christian community (fellowship) foster peace?
  5. When have you realized your need for Christian community?
  6. Why do you most often isolate or resist going deeper in friendship?
  7. Have you ever experienced an unlikely friendship that was united by your love for Christ? What did that look like? How did/does that friendship bless you?
  8. Talk about the beauty of fellowship.  What can happen in fellowship that won't happen in isolation?
  9. Are you more naturally a "giver" or a "receiver" in friendship?  What one step can you take this week to do the one that does not come naturally to you?
  10. Why is it important to give and receive?

The Takeaway: Because our souls need fellowship, we should be disciplined in seeking it.

Action Step: Get together with some Christian friends this week.  Light a candle. Engage in meaningful conversation. Take time to listen well and encourage each other. Ask good questions that help you get to know each other better. 

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