In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn chat about covenants, unity, and how fellowship is a discipline.
Questions to discuss with your group:
The Takeaway: Because our souls need fellowship, we should be disciplined in seeking it.
Action Step: Get together with some Christian friends this week. Light a candle. Engage in meaningful conversation. Take time to listen well and encourage each other. Ask good questions that help you get to know each other better.
This episode begins our new season! Karen and Brooklyn talk about "rest" and why this season will focus on rest. Our society as a...
In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn discuss parenting. Parenting might just be the most difficult job we've ever had. Okay, it is for sure...
Looking Above ep 24 - Ephesians 1:15-23/ Prayer In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn chat about prayer and look at the prayer Paul prayed...