Forgiveness is hard to talk about and even hard to put into practice. Join Brooklyn and Karen as they discuss what forgiveness is, and what it isn’t. They will break down why our theology of God is crucial to understanding forgiveness, and how unforgiveness can affect us negatively. Our prayers are with those who will listen to this podcast who have been deeply hurt and are struggling to forgive. Please know that we recognize and do not make light of the pain you have experienced.
As always, we encourage you to go deeper into this discussion with a friend or small group. Here are some questions to facilitate that discussion:
Sticks and stones do break bones, but words can break our spirits. Karen and Lindsey discuss the power of our words in our relationships. ...
Looking Above - Episode 13 Looking above episode 13 - Becoming the Friend You Want In this episode, Karen is joined by Katie Golinvaux,...
On this episode of the podcast, Brooklyn and Karen chat about what some believers call “the dark night of the soul.” It is in...