Looking Above - Episode 13 - Special Guest Katie Golinvaux

Episode 13 February 22, 2022 00:35:56
Looking Above - Episode 13 - Special Guest Katie Golinvaux
Looking Above
Looking Above - Episode 13 - Special Guest Katie Golinvaux

Feb 22 2022 | 00:35:56


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

Looking Above - Episode 13

Looking above episode 13 - Becoming the Friend You Want

In this episode, Karen is joined by Katie Golinvaux, a Biblical Counselor, Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, Pastor's Wife, and dear friend.  If you desire to be a better friend, you'll want to grab paper and a pen so you can take notes!  Katie shares such wonderful wisdom regarding being who God created you to be.


Discussion Questions:

  1. You don't need to know that Gallup lingo to know your strengths. Take turns telling the group some of your strengths (what makes you feel strong?) What do you do well? What do you enjoy? What are some of your favorite jobs or life experiences?
  2. What kind of friend are you? - Do you enjoy crowds or one-on-one time? What types of things do you like to do with others? Do you enjoy helping people process emotions or are you more logical?
  3. Respond to the sunglasses illustration. Are you tempted to judge others through your own strengths? How has this affected your friendships?
  4. Respond to Katie's report card metaphor.  Why is it helpful/important to focus on your strengths?
  5. When have you tried to be someone you are not?
  6. Jennie Allen refers to six types of friends in her book "Find Your People" : The Encourager, The Foxhole Friend, The Challenger, The Fun One, The Planner, and The Sage (check out her Instagram for descriptions of each).  Which type of friend are you? Which type of friend are you most in need of right now?
  7. Katie referenced these passages: Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 27:17, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Do a self-assessment based on those passages. How are you doing as a friend?

The Takeaway: Be who God created you to be - focus on your strengths in order to be a better friend.

To-Do This Week:  Get together with a friend and ask each other:  How are we alike?  How are we different?  How do we help each other fill in the gaps?  How do we sometimes misunderstand each other? Celebrate your differences and remember God made you different!

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