Looking Above Episode 41 - Sabbath

Episode 41 February 16, 2023 00:39:02
Looking Above Episode 41 - Sabbath
Looking Above
Looking Above Episode 41 - Sabbath

Feb 16 2023 | 00:39:02


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

This season we're talking about rest. In this episode,  Karen and Brooklyn talk about the Biblical concept of Sabbath.  They'll share a quick overview of what Sabbath is, dive into why it is so hard and why we resist Sabbath, and then talk about what it could be and why it is good for us. By the end of the episode you'll also know why Karen thinks Sabbath is like taking a camping trip. In order to improve in observing Sabbath, it would be highly valuable to sit down and talk with a friend or small group about these questions:


  1. Prior to listening to the podcast, what did you know about Sabbath?  Have you ever consistently "Sabbathed"? (yes we are using it as a verb )? 
  2. God did not need to rest on the seventh day, but He did. Why?  What does that teach us?
  3. What have you learned from society (or your family) about work, busyness and rest?
  4. Does the idea of Sabbath sound enticing or daunting to you?
  5. Read these verses about Sabbath.   (Exodus 31:12-17, Mark 2:27, Isaiah 58:13) What do you glean from them?
  6. Karen and Broolyn listed several reasons people don't Sabbath.  Which one applies to you (or do you have other reasons)? (They listed: We haven't been taught; we have accepted the lies of society;  we haven't experienced true Sabbath; we haven't tried long enough, don't like to acknowledge our limits; we make work/busyness an idol; we don't trust God; We are disobedient; we have outside forces like a work schedule)
  7. Are there any legitimate reasons to not Sabbath, or are they all excuses we give to cover our disobedience?
  8. If you have truly enjoyed the rest and joy of Sabbath, share your experience with the others. If none of you have practiced Sabbath, talk about (anticipate) the joy and peace it could bring to your life if you took one day each week to slow down and enjoy life.
  9. What would you need to do to prepare for Sabbath (like prepping to go camping)?
  10. Prior to your group meeting, look up a study on the science of Sabbath or rest.  Come to group prepared to share one way that science backs what God has shared in Scripture.
  11. Sabbath.  Set aside a day this week to do only life-giving, filling activities and no work.  Come next week ready to share your experience. 

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