Looking Above - Episode 2: John 3&4

Episode 2 October 14, 2021 00:33:30
Looking Above - Episode 2: John 3&4
Looking Above
Looking Above - Episode 2: John 3&4

Oct 14 2021 | 00:33:30


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

Join Karen as we take a deeper look at John chapters 3 & 4. We'll consider Jesus' interactions with Nicodemus and the Woman at the well.

If you're meeting with a group for discussion, here are some questions to guide you:
  1. Do you know anyone who has an uncanny way of looking beyond your words and seeing your heart or your underlying pain/issues?  
  2. Talk about what it is like to interact with that person. / Have you ever gone through a season where you avoided church/God?
  3. As you look back at that season, do you think there could have been a sin issue in your life that caused you to stay in the darkness?
  4. Discuss John the Baptist's attitude in John 3:27-30. How could you work towards having a similar attitude?
  5. Is your response to Christ belief (obedience) or disbelief (disobedience)?
  6.  Have you thought about the correlation between belief and obedience before?
  7. Discuss the interaction between Jesus and the Woman at the well. If Jesus called you out, like He did her (John 3:16-18), how would you respond?
  8. How do you attempt to satisfy your soul's thirst apart from God?
  9. Share your testimony with your group.  How did Jesus change your life?
  10. Do your words and actions cause others to want to know Jesus?
  11. Talk about someone you know who causes you to want to know Jesus more.
  12. Do you take Jesus at His word and live in faith?

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