It's a new season for Looking Above! This season we'll be talking about how we grow in Christ together. We'll focus our time on the book of Ephesians and also discuss how we can use the spiritual disciplines to grow together. Karen and Brooklyn are discussing our blessings in Christ and how we should celebrate all that God has done for us. It is important to recognize God's work and praise Him together. Our faith grows from hearing the testimonies of others.
Questions to discuss with your group:
The Takeaway: We have been so very blessed by God. We should regularly take time to celebrate His goodness.
Action Step: How will you personally celebrate God's goodness this week?
In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn discuss parenting. Parenting might just be the most difficult job we've ever had. Okay, it is for sure...
In this episode, Karen and Brooklyn chat about worship and how our experiences with God Questions to discuss with your group: Talk about your...
When you ask a friend how she's doing, more often than not her response will be, "I'm good, just so busy." Let's face it,...