Looking Above - Episode 10: John 19, 20 & 21

Episode 10 December 09, 2021 00:37:56
Looking Above - Episode 10: John 19, 20 & 21
Looking Above
Looking Above - Episode 10: John 19, 20 & 21

Dec 09 2021 | 00:37:56


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

Looking Above - Episode 10

In our final section of the book of John, we witness the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus completes the task for which he was sent to earth.  We'll be back in the New Year with new episodes of Looking Above, have a blessed holiday season!

Discussion Questions:

  1. As you read the account of Jesus' scourging and crucifixion, what emotions do you feel? Make it personal.  He endured that for YOU.
  2. Take a peek at some of the prophecies that were fulfilled in these chapters. Scholars say Jesus fulfilled more than 300 prophecies.  Why is it noteworthy?
  3. Read Hebrews 4:14 - 16 and reflect on Jesus as our High Priest (John 19:23 reference to his seamless robe).  What does this tell us about Jesus? Why is it important to us to have a High Priest?
  4. Discuss some of the details that John included (like the hyssop branch and blood & water).  Why were these important to his Jewish readers?  Why are they important details for us?
  5. Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were "secret disciples." Is there such a thing today?  Can you be a secret follower of Jesus.  Use scripture to substantiate your opinion.
  6. Mary of Magdalene deeply loved Jesus and it was seen by her actions.  What do you do that clearly portrays your love for Jesus?
  7. Have you ever been so immersed in your grief that you failed to notice Jesus?
  8. Are you like Thomas?  Do you isolate in pain?  Do you doubt what you don't see?
  9. Jesus charges Peter with caring for "his sheep."  What does "sheep care" look like today? Note that all the disciples were not given the same task.
  10. "As for you, Follow me," is Jesus' admonition to Peter and to us.  Why is it so easy to be distracted by others' tasks and blessings and lose focus on what Jesus calls us to do?  How do we keep our focus so we can be obedient to our personal mission?

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