Episode 51 - Shame and Resilience

Episode 51 September 13, 2023 00:39:16
Episode 51 - Shame and Resilience
Looking Above
Episode 51 - Shame and Resilience

Sep 13 2023 | 00:39:16


Hosted By

Karen Baughman Brooklyn Alm

Show Notes

In this episode Brooklyn and Karen unpack shame and how it affects resilience. They talk about how shame leads us to isolation and how to fight and break the chains of shame so we can be stronger and more resilient.

We encourage you to discuss this episode with a friend or small group! Here are some questions to guide your discussion:

 Do you resonate more with Brooklyn (you are familiar with shame) or Karen (shame isn’t really a struggle for you)?

  1. How do you experience shame?  What does shame feel like to you?
  2. Can you look back to childhood and see how rejection grew a shame response in you?
  3. What is the link between shame and resilience?
  4. Why do we isolate in our shame? (Genesis 2:25, Genesis 3:7-10)
  5. Read James 5:16.  Confession and vulnerability are essential to combatting shame. What about confession scares you? What about this process gives you hope?
  6. Do you have people with whom you can share your shame and struggles? How might you go about finding those people? Or, how did you find them?
  7. Have you noticed that when you have “people” you are better able to withstand the turbulence of life? Talk about a time when having people helped you be more resilient.

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