After we become aware of our internal monologue and the things we are speaking to ourselves, we need to consider if the messages are true. In order to do so, we have to have a measuring stick by which to evaluate truth. As Christ-followers, we use Scripture as our foundation for truth. Join Brooklyn and Karen as they chat about truth and how we fill our minds with the truth.
As always, we encourage you to go deeper into this discussion with a friend or small group. Here are some questions to facilitate that discussion:
To wrap up our season on prayer, we have a mini-series on the Lord’s Prayer that we produced for our Pray Retreat in April....
Sticks and stones do break bones, but words can break our spirits. Karen and Lindsey discuss the power of our words in our relationships. ...
Looking Above - Episode 13 Looking above episode 13 - Becoming the Friend You Want In this episode, Karen is joined by Katie Golinvaux,...